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NÓMADAS is directed by ethic guidelines promoting best practices in publishing according to the standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as reflected in the following documents:

  1. Authors and other collaborators must adhere to these policies to avoid misconduct that may have consequences for them and that could affect the good name of the Journal.
  2. NÓMADAS does not create any cost or charge to the authors for the receipt of their articles, the editorial process, or the publication of the article in the event that it is approved for publication.
  3. After publication in NÓMADAS, authors may freely reproduce or republish their articles with the condition that they clarify that the articles were first published in the Journal and by including the complete reference.
  4. All articles published in NÓMADAS must be previously unpublished. Texts written in languages ​​other than Spanish are exempt from this requirement, whose translations are previously unpublished and their proposals are fundamental for the issue.
  5. The authors commit to the Journal to guarantee the originality of the text, as well as the management of the corresponding permits for the use of images or materials, the respect for intellectual property rights, and attest that the article does not have any types of obligations, limitations or provisions.
  6. All those registered as authors of an article must be active in the research that originated the article and in its creation. The Journal’s policy is not to publish articles with more than three authors; in such cases, the guideline is to list the authors of the article as a collective group.
  7. All articles received are submitted to the Docode plagiarism detection tool.
  8. All articles are initially evaluated by the editor committee and then by two academic pairs who are experts in the subject. If the assessments issued by the academic pairs are contradictory, the Journal will find a third evaluator to resolve the issue.
  9. The academic pairs are selected according to their training, experience, suitability and academic trajectory in the subject.
  10. The evaluation process is double blind, anonymous in both directions, in order to guarantee the objectivity of the assessments.
  11. The academic peers must maintain confidentiality regarding the evaluation of a document and must not disclose their content to third parties. In the event of a conflict of interest, the peers should refrain from performing this work.
  12. The editing team will notify the author(s) if their article was approved or rejected and explain the reasons for their decision. Likewise, the team submits the opinions issued in each case.
  13. The authors agree to adjust the text based on the concepts of the evaluators and the editor committee, and to deliver the new version within a period of no more than two weeks (fifteen days), after receiving the comments.
  14. All authors of the accepted articles must authorize their publication, both in the printed version of the Journal and on the website (open access), as well as in other formats or in mass media that may exist in the future.
  15. Authors must also give the respective credits within the article to any funding entities of the research that originated the article, as well as to the entities that have supported and executed it.
  16. The publications are registered in the Open Access policy, which allows users to freely read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link the complete texts of all published articles.
  17. Universidad Central guarantees an electronic security copy of all the documents published by NÓMADAS, from its first issue to the present, in order to preserve its filing as well as guaranteing permanent access to its contents.
  18. All the contents of this Journal are under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY), unless otherwise stated.
  19. Management and resolution of ethical conflicts:
    • In the event that the Journal has information or a report(s) or is suspected of violating the ethical policies in publishing (such as false statements of authorship, plagiarism, as well as multiple, duplicate or simultaneous publication(s), misappropriation of research results, defamation, errors of research, fraud, violations of the rules of research, conflicts of interest, infringement of the author's rights, among others) will be managed according to the COPE guidelines (mentioned above) and the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit, Elsevier (PERK):
      • In general terms, the Journal will use all the sources within its reach in order to clarify the situation.
      • If misconduct is indeed proven, the Journal will send a communication to the author requesting a reasonable explanation and informing the author of the possible consequences of the actions.
      • The Journal will notify and incorporate the institution that financed and/or executed the research, or the institution with which the author works, of the violation.
      • In the event that the Journal has already published the article, it will take remedial measures that include: 1) publishing the corresponding corrections, clarifications or apologies; 2) if necessary, immediately removing all digital versions of the article of the misconduct; 3) informing the person or institution that made the report or the notification (if any) about the results of the management; 4) other situations that may take place.
      • In cases of double or multiple publications, in addition to the actions mentioned above, the Journal will inform the directors of the other Journals involved in order to jointly determine the actions to be taken in relation to the article.


Institute for Contemporary Social Studies – IESCO

Carrera 15 No. 75-14, pisos 6° y 7°

Bogotá, Colombia

Phone Number (+57-1) 3239868 ext. 1613 – 1615
