Institute for Contemporary Social Studies – IESCO
Carrera 15 No. 75-14, pisos 6° y 7°
Bogotá, Colombia
Phone Number (+57-1) 3239868 ext. 1613 – 1615
1 | CLASE (Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales) | México | |
2 | CREDI (Centro de Recursos Documentales Informáticos) | Spain | |
3 | CSA Sociological Abstracts | EE.UU. | |
4 | Dialnet | Spain | |
5 | DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journal) | Sweden | |
6 | HELA (Hemeroteca Latinoamericana) | México | |
7 | IPSA (International Political Science Association) | France | |
8 | Latindex | México | |
9 | Political Science Complete (EBSCO) | EE.UU. | |
10 | ProQuest | United Kingdom | |
11 | Publindex (Colciencias) – Categoría B | Colombia | |
12 | Redalyc | México | |
13 | SciELO Citation Index (Web of knowledge de Thomson Reuters) | EE.UU./Canadá | |
14 | SciELO-Colombia (Scientific Electronic Library Online) | Colombia | |
15 | Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory | EE.UU. |
Institute for Contemporary Social Studies – IESCO
Carrera 15 No. 75-14, pisos 6° y 7°
Bogotá, Colombia
Phone Number (+57-1) 3239868 ext. 1613 – 1615