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Nómadas has a permanent open call for the following sections:

For the section of “Creation Processes”

  • This section includes writings about the life and work of recognized scientists in the field of social sciences and of revered artists, related to any of the art scenarios. On one hand, it deals with the critical reflection about meaning, the significance and implications involved in the processes of construction of science and creation in art, and, on the other, it seeks to create an homage of the lives of those proposed for each issue.
  • The works –from the chronicle, the interview or the essay– will be elaborated by researchers or long-time scholars who are specialists in the work of the scientist or artist invited.
  • Although the presence of Latin American artists and scientists will be promoted, it is essential for one of these guests to be Colombian in each issue of the Journal.
  • Although this section is aimed at interviewing the invited guests, this does not prevent tributes to scientists or artists who have already passed away.
  • The texts must comply with a series of requirements. Consult the requirements here.

For the section of “New Nómadas”

  • The "New Nómadas" section contains the questions, reflections and findings of new Latin American researchers who, through important achievements, began their systematic journey in the world of knowledge construction. This section is thought of as a situation that not only allows these new productions to be known, but also encourages investigative vocations.
  • The texts submitted for this section do not necessarily have to be linked to the monographic theme of each issue.
  • The texts must comply with a series of requirements. Consult the requirements here. 

For the section of “Reflections from University”

  • The section "Reflections from University" is exclusively for the texts elaborated in by the faculties of Universidad Central. These texts must give an account of the investigative process, the adoption and qualifications, of partial and/or final results of the investigations, the general state of research in the disciplines, etc.
  • The texts must comply with a series of requirements. Consult the requirements here.

For the section of “Reviews”

  • NÓMADAS publishes reviews of renowned books in the field of social sciences in each issue, striving that its subject is related to the monographic theme of each issue.
  • It also publishes reviews of research projects by Iesco and the Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art of Universidad Central, in progress or completed.
  • All reviews must have a maximum length of five pages, letter size sheet, double space, Times New Roman font, 12 pt.
  • Reviews must have the author's name with their respective biographical references of maximum two lines in a footnote (university degrees, current work and institution to which the author linked, city, country and email).
  • Referenced texts of the book reviews will be headed with general information of the book: author(s), publishing house, year, city and number of pages.
  • Reviews of research projects will be headed with information of the project: director, assistant researcher, co-investigator, external advisor, assistants and co-financing entities.
  • To postulate a review, send a short text that presents the book or the project with the basic information which indicates its importance. The editing committee of the issue will announce if the abstract is accepted so that the proponent can proceed to elaborate the review. The texts should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in an attached Word document.


Institute for Contemporary Social Studies – IESCO

Carrera 15 No. 75-14, pisos 6° y 7°

Bogotá, Colombia

Phone Number (+57-1) 3239868 ext. 1613 – 1615
