Spanish English Portuguese
  1. Those interested in participating in the monographic section of each issue, the subject of which is announced on the website of the Journal and announced by publicly, must submit an abstract of the article, a maximum of one page, in which they clearly state:
    • The research from which the article originated.
    • The problem to be addressed, the perspective and the contributions of the text to the field of knowledge to which it belongs.
    • A brief description of the methodology used in the research that resulted in the article (sources, information collection methods, type of analysis and systematization, etc.).
    • Financing institution of the research and executing entity.
    • Clarify if the research is in progress or completed (start and end dates).
    • Academic training of the author and his/her current employment status, indicated in a footnote.
  2. The editing committee of the issue will announce the acceptance of the abstracts so that the proponents may begin to elaborate on their texts.
  3. A fundamental guideline that determines the approval of an article to be reviewed by academic peers is that the article is concerned with the contents mentioned in the approved abstract.
  4. Those interested in participating in the other sections of the Journal ("Creation Processes", "New Nómadas", "Reflections from University" and "Reviews") must meet the requirements previously mentioned, being aware that the themes do not necessarily have to be related to the monographic theme of each issue.
  5. Those interested in participating in the monographic section can check the Call for the Monographic Theme, available every six months.
  6. Those interested in participating in the other sections of the Journal ("Creation Processes", "New Nómadas", "Reflections from University" and "Reviews") can check the Permanent Call.
  7. NÓMADAS does not create any cost or charge to the authors for the receipt of their articles, the editorial process, or the publication of the article in the event that it is approved for publication.
  8. All articles published in NÓMADAS must be previously unpublished. Texts written in languages ​​other than Spanish are exempt from this requirement, whose translations are previously unpublished and their proposals are fundamental for the issue.
  9. All articles are submitted to the Docode plagiarism detection tool.
  10. The authors commit to the Journal to guarantee the originality of the text, as well as the management of the corresponding permits for the use of images or materials, the respect for intellectual property rights, and attest that the article does not have any types of obligations, limitations or provisions.
  11. All those registered as authors of an article must be active in the research that originated the article and in its creation. The Journal’s policy is not to publish articles with more than three authors; in such cases, the guideline is to list the authors of the article as a collective group.
  12. All authors of the accepted articles must authorize their publication, both in the printed version of the Journal and on the website (open access), as well as in other formats or in mass media that may exist in the future.
  13. All the contents of this Journal are under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY), ), unless otherwise stated.


  • The acceptance of an article(s) does not necessarily imply their publication, since everyone must follow a rigorous evaluation process.
  • All articles are initially evaluated by the editor committee and then by two academic pairs who are experts in the subject.
  • If the assessments issued by the academic pairs are contradictory, the Journal will find a third evaluator to resolve the issue.
  • The academic pairs are selected according to their training, experience, suitability and academic trajectory in the subject.
  • The Journal has a format which allows the academic peers to evaluate criteria such as composition, argumentative clarity, subject management, relevance and innovation, effective use of sources, and quality of conclusions, among others.
  • The evaluation process is double blind, anonymous in both directions, in order to guarantee the objectivity of the assessments.
  • The academic peers must maintain confidentiality regarding the evaluation of a document and must not disclose their content to third parties. In case there is a conflict of interest, the peers should refrain from performing this work.
  • These academic experts have the responsibility to suggest the acceptance, rejection or approval with modifications of the evaluated article.
  • If the article belongs to a member of the Journal's internal editorial committee, the reviewers must always be external of the editorial committee in order to ensure objectivity.
  • If the decision of an academic peer (approval or rejection) does not have enough sustenance, the Journal will ask the academic peer to qualify the evaluation. In the event that it is not possible, the Journal will locate a new evaluator.
  • The editing team will notify the authors when/if their article was approved or rejected and will explain the reasons for their decision. Likewise, the editing team will send their opinions in each case.
  • The authors agree to amend the text based on the assessments of the evaluators and the editorial committee, and to submit the new version within a period of no more than two weeks (fifteen days), after receiving the corresponding comments.

The cases of conflict in the assessment are resolved in accordance with the policies established by the Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE):

Formal Requirement for Submitting Articles

  • Maximum extension of 9,000 words for the monographic theme and of 6,000 for other sections, including Abstract, Citations, Notes and Bibliography
  • Margins of 2.5 cm on all 4 sides
  • Letter size sheet
  • Times New Roman font, 12 pt.
  • Double-spaced text.


  • Title with a maximum of ten words.
  • Author's name with its corresponding biographical reference of maximum three lines in a footnote (academic discipline, university degrees, current work and institution to which the author is linked, city, country and email).
  • Analytical abstract (must contain the objective of the article, scope and conclusions) in a maximum of six lines.
  • Six keywords that will serve as descriptors of the article.
  • Brief review –maximum of three lines– of the research in which the text is originated, in a footnote. The note must specify the name of the research, whether it is ongoing or completed, the objective, the dates when the research started and ended, the financing institution and the executing institution.

Notes, bibliographic citation and bibliography:

  • The notes are explanatory. These should be included at the end of the text and must have a consecutive number.
  • The bibliographic citation must be completed within the text, using parentheses to reference the author or authors, the year of publication and the page or pages, as follows: (Freire, 1970: 123-130). The book where such citation is found should be listed in the bibliography.
  • All books that are referenced in the bibliography must be cited in the body of the article; otherwise, they should not be included.
  • The bibliography should be listed in alphabetical order following the models described below:

Referenced Text

Examples and clarifications

Books SERRANO, José Fernando, 2004, Menos querer más de la vida, 1a ed., Bogotá, Universidad Central-DIUC/Siglo del Hombre, pp. 123-126.
Books with Two or More Authors CARDONA, Javier; Juan José Muñoz y Gerardo Restrepo, 1997, Hacia un mundo más humano, México, Trillas, p. 230. If there are more than three authors, the first one is mentioned and the expression “and others” is added. Avoid adding “varios authors” or its acronym “V.A.”
Book Chapters HERRERA, Gabriel, 2014, “La izquierda en la mirada zapatista”, en: Mónica Zuleta y Miguel Ángel Urrego (eds.), Izquierdas: definiciones, movimientos y proyectos en Colombia y América Latina., Bogotá, Universidad Central-IESCO.
When the Author is an Institution MINISTERIO de Educación Nacional, 1995, La Identidad juvenil, Bogotá, p. 75.
When the Author is Unknown In these cases the corporate author is referenced or otherwise, the title: El Lazarillo de Tormes, Barcelona, Bruguera, 1974, p. 213.
Articles in Journals CASTRO-GÓMEZ, Santiago, 2007, “¿Disciplinar o poblar? La intelectualidad colombiana frente a la biopolítica (1904-1934)”, en: Nómadas, No. 26, Universidad Central-Iesco, 2007, pp. 44-55.
Document from Internet Book 
LEÓN, O.; S. Burch y E. Tamayo, 2001, Movimientos sociales en la red, Quito, Agencia Latinoamericana de Información, tomado de:
Book Chapter:
HOPENHAYN, Martín, 2001, “¿Integrarse o subordinarse? Nuevas cruces entre política y cultura”, en: Daniel Mato (comp.), Estudios latinoamericanos sobre cultura y transformaciones sociales en tiempos de globalización, Buenos Aires, Clacso, tomado de:
Journal Article:
SERJE, Margarita, 2003, “ONGS, indios y petróleo: el caso U’wa a través de los mapas del territorio en disputa”, en: Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Études Andines, No. 32, tomado de:, pp. 101-131. 
Other Types of Documents: 
KISILEVSKY, G., 2005, “La sociedad civil en la era digital: organizaciones comunitarias y redes sociales sustentadas por TIC en Argentina”, documento de trabajo No. 41, Buenos Aires, Universidad de Buenos Aires-Instituto Gino Germani, tomado de:


Institute for Contemporary Social Studies – IESCO

Carrera 15 No. 75-14, pisos 6° y 7°

Bogotá, Colombia

Phone Number (+57-1) 3239868 ext. 1613 – 1615
